Disciplinary actions regarding the following rules and regulations will be dealt with in one of these methods: (1) Automatic expulsion from future K.L.A. events, (2) Conference between parties involved and verbal reprimand for first offense, second offense will receive a written reprimand, third offense will be automatic expulsion from future K.L.A. events. (3) In the event of a weigh in procedure violation, contestants’ fish will not be weighed.
It is the sole responsibility of each contestant to know and understand all the rules governing any K.L.A. event. Decisions made by the K.L.A. Director on the following rules and regulations are final and absolute. K.L.A. must have a signed waiver and release from liability on file or contestant may forfeit all awards and monies. K.L.A. Director reserves the right to witness activities during tournament hours, either by boarding boat or using a follow boat. Any incident not specifically covered by these rules will be resolved according to the K.L.A. Director’s discretion
KLA DIRECTOR reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone.
ELIGIBILITY: At least one member of the team must be 18 years or older. Underage contestants must have written consent from parent or guardian.
ENTRIES & ENTRY FEES: Saturday League entry fees can be paid at Bill’s Marine during regular business hours or at a site to be determined (check KLA web site) the morning of the tournament from 4:30 Am until official start time. All entry fees may be paid online. Check www.keystonelakeanglers.com
PARTNERS: Each team can consist of up to 3 members. Any 1 or 2 team members can participate in an event, including the Championship. The 3rd team member must be used during the Regular Season Qualifiers in order to participate in Championship. An immediate family member may be used in hardship cases during the season and the Championship, WITH PRIOR APPROVAL FROM TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR. Decisions on hardship cases will be made by the Tournament Director.
DEADWATER: After midnight on day of tournament up to tournament hours.
TAKE-OFF: All Contestants must come through the Tournament Director prior to starting time. Saturday League Events: Must check in at official launch ramp up to 1 ½ hours prior to fishing hours on the morning of each tournament. Check in will consist of a live well check. Teams may enter ahead of time but must still check in and launch at the official ramp the morning of the tournament for final instructions and boat check. Monday Jackpots can pay at the ramp but must launch from the official ramp. It is a good practice to confirm with the tournament official that your team is checked in before launching. ANY TEAM NOT CHECKING IN AND ALLOWING A LIVE WELL CHECK WILL BE DISQUALIFIED.
WEIGH-IN: Teams must be sure their names and the number of Bass that they will weigh in, is correct on the Check in Roster at the weigh-in area, prior to the end of tournament hours. Teams must use official K.L.A. canvas bag in League tournaments. A team may weigh-in only once during each tournament. Early weigh-ins are final.
NO CULLING at weigh-in area.
TACKLE & EQUIPMENT: Only artificial bait or lures may be used. Pork-style baits are allowed. Use of only one fishing rig at a time per person. Dip nets are allowed.
OFF-LIMIT LOCATIONS: Within 150 feet of Crystal Bay and Cross Timbers Marinas and boat docks, strictly off limits. 150 feet or less from another contestant's boat. K.L.A. SATURDAY LEAGUE & WEDNESDAY JACKPOTS: Inside the buoys at Black Dog.
FISHING ALLOWED FROM BOAT ONLY. Cannot leave boat to fish or retrieve bass. During tournament hours, a participant may not leave the boat except for good cause, subject to K.L.A. Director's discretion. Teams may not get out of their boat or run their boat aground for the sole purpose of dragging their boat through shallow water to enhance their fishing opportunities.
NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES can be consumed during tournament hours. NO ILLEGAL DRUGS are permitted in boat or permitted to be consumed during tournament hours.
NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES can be consumed during tournament hours. NO ILLEGAL DRUGS are permitted in boat or permitted to be consumed during tournament hours
RESTRICTING BASS by any method which disallows its natural movement or travel throughout the entire impoundment is prohibited. Having knowledge of restricting bass or restricting bass for the purpose of using them for their benefit is also prohibited.
SEEDING BASS captured from another impoundment is prohibited
SPORTSMANSHIP: Un-sportsman-like conduct is cause for disciplinary action and/or disqualification.
BRUSHPILING & HABITATING: Contestants must follow state and federal guidelines. Contact Corps of Engineers Project Office or GRDA for guidelines. Destroying public or private property is cause for automatic expulsion.
Anglers participating in any KLA event shall observe a high code of conduct and the applicable rules for the specific event in which they are participating. Anglers and family members of anglers shall, at all times, conduct themselves in a professional manner that demonstrates integrity, honor and respect toward fellow competitors, tournament staff and the general public and does not reflect unfavorably on KLA, its members, officers or representatives, tournaments, or sponsors.
BOATS & MOTORS: Any safe boat, with working kill switch, lights, and aerators
SAFETY: Life Jackets, Kill Switches, and Working Bow and Stern Lights are MANDATORY. Safe boating and fishing practices must be observed at all times. Life jackets and kill switches must be worn when boat is on plane.
STATE & FEDERAL LAWS: Anyone caught running bridges or breaking any state or federal boating laws may be disqualified.
SCORING: Only Largemouth, Smallmouth, Spotted or Kentucky Bass will be accepted. ALL Bass MUST measure 14 inches or more on Flat board, mouth closed and any way to get the tail to touch. Tournament Director determines the difference between species. Ask Director how determination is made. Total stringer weight will determine winners. Penalty for bringing too many bass to the scale; largest bass will be culled first. Dead bass will carry a 1/2-pound penalty. Dead bass penalty does not apply to Big Bass Prize at any event. Short bass carry a 1-pound penalty. TOURNAMENT LIMITS ARE: K.L.A. SATURDAY LEAGUE: 5 Bass per team. Monday Evening Jackpots: 3 Bass per team.
LATE PENALTY: 1 lb. per minute. If boat trouble occurs, one team member may hitch a ride with another participating team only, time limits still apply.
MONEY TIES: In case of a tie, the winner will be the team with the most Bass. If both teams have the same number of Bass, the team with the biggest Bass will win. If a tie still exists, the two or more positions will be added together, divided by the number of the ties with the payback divided equally. Weekend tournaments’ payout will be 100%. $5 per entry from each Wednesday night jackpot will be used for series expenses.
TRUTH DETECTOR (polygraph) TEST: By signature on legal waiver, contestants agree to a polygraph test by a qualified examiner of the Tournament Director's choice. Refusal to submit will result in immediate disqualification along with forfeiture of all monies and contestants will no longer be eligible for future tournaments. Test must be PASSED without question.
PROTEST: Any protest must be filed, in writing and signed, with tournament officials within 15 minutes of conclusion of weigh-in.